Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journal
Petry, K. L.; OliveiraJr, E.; Zorzo, A. F. Model-based testing of software product lines: Mapping study and research roadmap. v. 167, p. 110608, 2020. (Journal of Systems and Software - JSS)
OliveiraJr, E.; Zorzo, A. F.; Neu, C. V. Towards a Conceptual Model for Promoting Digital Forensics Experiments. accepted for publication, 2020. (Forensic Science International - Digital Investigation - FSI-DI)
Furtado, V. R.; França, V.; OliveiraJr, E. Comparing Approaches for Quality Evaluation of Software Engineering Experiments: an Empirical Study Using Software Product Line Experiments. v. 15, p. 1396-1429, 2019. (Journal of Computer Science - JCS)
Nogueira Teixeira, E.; Aleixo, F. A.; Amâncio, F. D. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Kulesza, U.; Werner, C. Software process line as an approach to support software process reuse: A systematic literature review. v. 116, p. 106175, 2019. (Information and Software Technology - INFSOF)
Pazin, M. G.; Allian, A. P.; OliveiraJr, E. An Empirical Study on Software Process Variability Modeling with SMartySPEM and vSPEM. v. 12, n. 6, p. 536-546. (IET Software - IET-SEN)
Giron, A. A.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; OliveiraJr, E. Evaluation of Test Case Generation based on a Software Product Line for Model Transformation. v. 14, n. 1, p. 108-121. (Journal of Computer Science - JCS)
Cordeiro, A. F. R.; OliveiraJr, E. Size, Coupling, and Cohesion Metrics for Product-Line Architecture Evaluation: Proposal and Experimental Validation. v. 14, n. 3, p. 408-422. (Journal of Computer Science - JCS)
Marcolino, A. S.; OliveiraJr, E. Comparing SMarty and PLUS for Variability Identification and Representation at Product-Line UML Class Level: a Controlled Quasi-Experiment. v. 13, n. 11, p. 617-632. (Journal of Computer Science - JCS)
Geraldi, R. T.; OliveiraJr, E. Defect Types and Software Inspection Techniques: a Systematic Mapping Study. v. 13, n. 10, p. 470-495. (Journal of Computer Science - JCS)
Cordeiro, A. F. R.; OliveiraJr, E. SystEM-Env: an Environment for UML-based Software Product Line Architecture Evaluation (in Portuguese). v. 15, n. 1. (Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica - REIC)
Giron, A. A.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; OliveiraJr, E. Case Study of Test Case Generation Based on Metamodel for Model Transformations. v. 12, n. 5, p. 364-378. (Journal of Software - JSW)
Marcolino, A. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Barbosa, E. F. Variability Resolution and Product Configuration with SMarty: an Experimental Study on UML Class Diagrams. v. 13, n. 8, p. 307-319. (Journal of Computer Science - JCS)
Geraldi, R. T.; OliveiraJr, E. Towards Initial Evidence of SMartyCheck for Defect Detection on Product-Line Use Case and Class Diagrams. v. 12, n. 5, p. 379-392. (Journal of Software - JSW)
Allian, A. P.; OliveiraJr, E. An Experience on the Adoption of Java 6 Web Profile for Developing a Psychology Clinic Management System (in Portuguese). v. 24, p. 25-39. (Revista Tecnológica - UEM)
Zuquello, A. G.; Beninca, R. A.; Massago, Y.; Huzita, E. H. M.; OliveiraJr, E. The Importance of Sociocultural Aspects for Managing Distributed Software Development Environment Teams (in Portuguese). v. 3, p. 1-17. (ForScience)
OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Maldonado, J. C.; Masiero, P. C.; Barroca, L. Systematic Evaluation of Software Product Line Architectures. v. 19, p. 25-52. (Journal of Universal Computer Science - J.UCS)
OliveiraJr , E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Maldonado, J. C. Systematic Management of Variability in UML-based Software Product Lines. v. 16, p. 2374-2393. (Journal of Universal Computer Science - J.UCS)
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Garcia, L. A.; OliveiraJr, E. Uma Linha de Processo de Software com base no SCRUM (in Portuguese). (Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality - SBQS - Thesis and Dissertation Workshop on Software Quality - WTDQS)
- Petry, K. L.; OliveiraJr, E. SMartyTesting: Uma Abordagem de Teste Baseado em Modelos SMarty para Linha de Produto de Software (in Portuguese). (Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality - SBQS - Thesis and Dissertation Workshop on Software Quality - WTDQS)
Nepomuceno, T. S.; OliveiraJr, E. Configurando Produtos Específicos de Linha de Produto de Software com SMarty e PLUS: Um Estudo Experimental Comparativo em Diagramas de Casos de Uso (in Portuguese). (Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality - SBQS - Research Track)
Bettin, G. C. S.; Geraldi, R. T.; OliveiraJr, E. Avaliação Experimental da Técnica SMartyCheck para Inspeção de Defeitos em Diagramas de Componentes da UML (in Portuguese). (Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality - SBQS - Research Track)
Pazin, M. G.; Geraldi, R. T.; OliveiraJr, E. Comparando SMartySPEM e vSPEM para Modelagem de Variabilidade em Processos de Software (in Portuguese). (Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality - SBQS - Research Track)
Santos, M. C. B.; Colanzi, T. E.; Amaral, A. M. M. M.; OliveiraJr, E. Preliminary Study on the Correlation of Objective Functions to Optimize Product-Line Architectures. (Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse - SBCARS)
- Furtado, V. R.; OliveiraJr, E. Guidelines for Evaluating the Quality of Software Product Line (Quasi-)Experiments (in Portuguese). (Workshop on Thesis and Dissertations on Software Quality - WTDQS)
Dias, J. W.; OliveiraJr, E. Modeling Variability in Software Process with EPF Composer and SMartySPEM: An Empirical Qualitative Study. (Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS)
Duarte, E. F.; Nanni, L. P.; Geraldi, R. T.; OliveiraJr, E.; Feltrim, V. D.; Pereira, R. Ordering Matters: An Experimental Study of Ranking Influence on Results Selection Behavior during Exploratory Search. Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS)
Dias, J. W.; OliveiraJr, E.; Silva, M. A. G. Preliminary Empirical Evidence on SPrL Variability Management with EPF and SMartySPEM. (Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - SBES)
Geraldi, R. T.; OliveiraJr, E.; Conta, T. U.; Steinmacher, I. F. Checklist-based Inspection of SMarty Variability Models - Proposal and Empirical Feasibility Study. (Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS)
Bera, M. H. G.; OliveiraJr, E.; Colanzi, T. E. Evidence-based SMarty Support for Variability Identification and Representation in Component Models. (Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS)
Melo, M. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Soares, M. S.; França, J. M. S. A Model-driven Approach to Transform SysML Internal Block Diagrams to UML Activity Diagrams. (Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS)
Duarte, E. F; OliveiraJr, E.; Cogo, F. R.; Pereira, R. Dico: A Conceptual Model to Support the Design and Evaluation of Advanced Search Features for Exploratory Search. (Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT)
OliveiraJr, E.; Allian, A. P. Do Reference Architectures can Contribute to Standardizing Variability Management Tools?. (Int. Workshop on Exploring Component-based Techniques for Constructing Reference Architectures - CobRA/WICSA)
Chiquitto, A. G.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; OliveiraJr, E. SyMPLES-CVL: A SysML and CVL Based Approach for Product-Line Development of Embedded Systems. (Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse - SBCARS)
OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S. Empirical Validation of Product-line Architecture Extensibility Metrics. (Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS)
Marcolino, A. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S. Towards the Effectiveness of the SMarty Approach for Variability Management at Sequence Diagram Level. (Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS)
Gimenes, I. M. S.; Barroca. L.; Barbosa, E. F.; OliveiraJr, E. Learning Design for Software Engineering Courses. (Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education - CSEDU)
Marcolino, A. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Barbosa, E. F. Empirically Based Evolution of a Variability Management Approach at UML Class Level. (Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference - COMPSAC)
Falvo Junior, V.; Duarte Filho, N. F.; OliveiraJr, E.; Barbosa, E. F. Towards the Establishment of a Software Product Line for Mobile Learning Applications. (Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE)
Falvo Junior, V.; Duarte Filho, N. F.; OliveiraJr, E.; Barbosa, E. F. A contribution to the adoption of software product lines in the development of mobile learning applications. (Frontiers in Education - FIE)
Marcolino, A. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S. Variability Identification and Representation in Software Product Line UML Sequence Diagrams: Proposal and Empirical Study. (Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - SBES)
Lanceloti, L. A.; Maldonado, J. C.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; OliveiraJr, E. SMartyParser: an XMI Parser for UML-based Software Product Line Variability Models. (Int. Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems - VaMoS)
Silva, R. F.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Oquendo, F.; Fragal, V.; OliveiraJr, E. SyMPLES - A SysML-based Approach for Developing Embedded Systems Software Product Lines. (Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS)
Fragal, V.; Silva, R. F.; OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S. Application Engineering for Embedded Systems - Transforming SysML Specification to Simulink within a Product-Line based Approach. (Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS)
Aleixo, F. A.; Kulesza, U.; OliveiraJr, E. Modeling Variabilities from Software Process Lines with Compositional and Annotative Techniques: a Quantitative Study. (Int. Conf. on Product-Focused Software Development and Process Improvement - PROFES)
OliveiraJr, E.; Pazin, M. G.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Kulesza, U.; Aleixo, F. A. SMartySPEM: a SPEM-based Approach for Variability Management in Software Process Lines. (Int. Conf. on Product-Focused Software Development and Process Improvement - PROFES)
Marcolino, A. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Maldonado, J. C. Towards the Effectiveness of a Variability Management Approach at Use Case Level. (Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE)
Marcolino, A. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Conte, T. U. Towards Validating Complexity-Based Metrics for Software Product Line Architectures. (Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse - SBCARS)
Oizumi, W. N.; Contieri Junior, A. C.; Correia, G. G.; Colanzi,T. E.; Ferrari, S.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Garcia, A. F.; Masiero, P. C. On the Proactive Design of Product-Line Architectures with Aspects: an Exploratory Multi-Case Study. (IEEE Conf. on Computers, Software, and Applications - COMPSAC)
OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Maldonado, J. C. Empirical Validation of Variability-based Complexity Metrics for Software Product Line Architecture. (Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE)
Rodrigues, E. M.; Zorzo, A.; OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Maldonado, J. C.; Domingues, A. PlugSPL: An Automated Environment for Supporting Plugin-based Software Product Lines. (Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE)
OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Maldonado, J. C. Software Product Line Evaluation: Categorization and Evolution over the Years. (Int. Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems - DMS)
Fiori, D. R.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Maldonado, J. C.; OliveiraJr, E. Variability Management in Software Product Line Activity Diagrams. (Int. Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems - DMS)
Fragal, V.; OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S. Mapping Software Product Line Features to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Models. (Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems - SBSEC)
OliveiraJr, E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; Maldonado, J. C. A Meta-Process to Support Trade-Off Analysis in Software Product Line Architecture. (Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE)
Contieri Junior, A. S.; Correia, G. G.; Colanzi, T. E.; Gimenes, I. M. S.; OliveiraJr, E.; Ferrari, S.; Masiero, P. C.; Garcia, A. F. Extending UML Components to Develop Software Product-Line Architectures: Lessons Learned. (European Conf. on Software Architecture - ECSA)