Prospective Full-Time Master Students or Ph.D. Candidates
From June/2018, to apply for it, I require candidates MUST:
- be able to read, interpret and write papers in English;
- have at least one paper published in a relevant Software Engineering peer-reviewed conference (only for Ph.D. candidates. Journal is desirable.);
- dedicate 40 hours/week in the research laboratory;
- attend every research developing seminar, usually once a week;
- fully comply with ethical issues in Computer Science and Software Engineering research and experimentation, such as (self-)plagiarism;
- keep Currículo Lattes updated;
- be not involved with any other activities beyond their research thesis/dissertations without advisor's agreement;
- take a Doctorate Sandwich abroad (only for Ph.D. candidates depending on available scholarship);
- write and proofread their qualification monograph in English on their own (only for Ph.D. candidates, but desirable for Masters students);
- write and proofread their thesis/dissertations text in English on their own.
Candidate's Full Name
Candidate's Signature
Date (D/M/Y): _____/_____/_____

Research Projects for 2019-2021
- A Data Management Plan Model for Software Engineering Experiments. A master student should investigate Data Management Plans in the literature and specify a model for software engineering experiments. Start: 2019.
- Threshold Definition for Product-Line Architecture Evaluation Metrics. A master student should study how to define thresholds for metrics used to evaluate product-line architectures. Start: 2019.
- SPEM-based Software Process Line Metrics A master student should study/define metrics for software process tailoring based on the SMartySPEM approach and implement a tool. Start: Mar/2020.
Current Students
Master Students
- Rafael Maltempe da Vanso. Teaching Object-Orientation with UML in the Perspective of Continuous Experimentation. Started 2018.
- Carlos Danilo Luz. Recommendation of Educational Resources for Teaching Experimental Software Engineering. Started 2018.
- Leandro Flores da Silva. Empirical Evaluation of a Reference Architecture for Software Variability Tools. Started 2018.
- Thais Santos Nepomuceno. Empirical Evaluation of SMarty for UML-based Software Product Lines in the Perspective of Products Configuration. Started 2017.
- Giovanna Cristina de Souza Bettin. A perspective-based inspection technique for product-line SMarty diagrams. Started 2017.
- Luciano Anisio Garcia. A Scrum-based Software Process Line. Started 2016.
- Kleber Lopes Petry. A SMarty Model-based Testing Approach for Software Product Lines. Started 2016.
- Henrique Vignando. Recommendation of Controlled Experiments and Quasi-Experiments for Software Product Lines. Started 2016.
Undergraduate Final Term Projects
Master Students
- Viviane da Rocha Furtado. Guidelines for Quality Evaluation of Quasi-Experiments and Experiments in Software Product Lines. Graduation Date: October, 2018.
- André Felipe Ribeiro Cordeiro. A Contribution to the ISO/IEC 25010 Standard in the Software Product Line Perspective. Graduation Date: February, 2018.
- Maicon Pazin. Empirical Studies on the SMartySPEM Apporach for Software Process Line Variability Management. Graduation Date: February, 2017.
- Ana Paula Allian. VMTools-RA: a Reference Architecture for Software Variability Tools. Graduation Date: June, 2016.
- Marcelo Carlos Benitez dos Santos. A Search-based Evaluation Model for Product-Line Architecture Design. Graduation Date: February, 2016. (Co-Advisor - Joint work with Prof. Thelma Colanzi)
- Jaime Willian Dias. Empirical Evidence of Compositional and Annotative Approaches for Software Process Line Variability Management. Graduation Date: November, 2015.
- Ricardo Theis Geraldi. SMartyCheck: a Checklis-based Inspection Technique for SMarty SPL Use Case and Class Diagrams. Graduation Date: February, 2015.
- Douglas Francischini Toledo. idAuthority: a Model for Cognitive Authority Identification in Social Networks. Graduation Date: February, 2015.
- Emanuel Felipe Duarte. A Resource Advanced Search Conceptual Model for Exploratory Search. Graduation Date: February, 2015.
- Márcio Henrique Gimenes Bera. SMartyComponents: a Process for Specifying UML-based Product-Line Architectures . Graduation Date: February, 2015.
- Anderson da Silva Marcolino. Experimental Evaluation of SMarty for Software Product Line Variability Management. Graduation Date: February, 2014.
- Vanderson Hafemann Fragal. Application Engineering for Embbeded Systems: Transforming SysML Specifications into Simulink. Graduation Date: February, 2013. (Co-Advisor - Joint work with Prof. Itana Gimenes)
Undergraduate Final Term Projects
- Leandro Flores da Silva. SMartyModeling: a Software Product Line Modeling Environment based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework. Graduation Date: December, 2017.
- Mateus Hideaki Taroda. SMartyCheckTool: a Detection and Removing Defects Tool from SPL SMarty Models. Graduation Date: July, 2017.
- Leandro Flores da Silva. SMartyAnalyzer: an Environment for Applying SMM Metrics in Product-Line Architecture Evaluations. Graduation Date: July, 2017.
- Lailson Miranda Tofanelli. Especification of Product-Line Architecture Metrics Using the Structured Metrics Metamodel.. Graduation Date: July, 2016.
- Fernando Leite Todão. Identification and Mapping of Architectural Styles/Patterns and Variability in Systems of Systems.. Graduation Date: July, 2016.
- Filipe Gomes Genu. Quality Evaluation of Software Product Line Experiments.. Graduation Date: July, 2015.
- Luiz Toshimitsu Nakahara Junior. Automated SPL Java Source Code Generation from SMarty Models.. Graduation Date: July, 2015.
- André Felipe Ribeiro Cordeiro. A Study on Metrics for Product-Line Architecture Evaluation in the SystEM-Env Experimental Environment.. Graduation Date: July, 2014.
- Lailson Miranda Tofanelli. Computacional Suppport for Variability Management with CVL in Software Product Lines.. Graduation Date: July, 2014.
- André Felipe Ribeiro Cordeiro. A Planning Module for the SystEM-Env Experimental Environment to Support Product-Line Architecture Evaluations.. Graduation Date: July, 2012.